Love Movie

Miss Bright Night wants me to confess:If it were me, I would never let go of the hand of bright night

I read a few films, cannot distinguish the genre of an animation work, and also cannot taste the quality of dubbing and painting level. The only thing I care about is the story — why is it compelling?The six elements of a story!A story has six elements: time, place, characters, cause, process, and effect. The story takes place in an aristocratic high school in contemporary Japan, and the main characters are Yuma Yoke and Shimmy Kashia. The story is that they like each other, after two years of campus life, finally harvest sweet love.

(How can you generalize such an interesting story so boring?)

At first glance, it looks boring, but there is a subtle point — the relationship between the hero and the heroine is the cause of the story, not the process.

If you think of all the love stories you’ve seen in the past (just a few), most of them involve a couple who meet by chance, get together, go through a lot of ups and downs together, and then develop a relationship. This kind of story focuses on the gradual warming and sublimation of the relationship between two people. “Bright Night,” by contrast, is in the minority when it explicitly points out the romantic relationship between the hero and heroine from the very beginning.

Yes, if the hero and heroine of a love story have the emotional basis at the beginning, how will this emotional evolution, how to sublimate? This is the conundrum that authors who choose this setting must face. For example, if the hero and heroine are husband and wife or lovers, and there is no room for improvement in their relationship, then the entire writer can write is the proposal, the affair, the breakup/divorce, the reconciliation/remarriage, which eventually degenerate into a homey ethics drama. In this way, two people are best friends; lovers are not yet ambiguous state, in order to collision a heart-pounding romantic story.

It’s not surprising that Bright Night chose this setting. Of course, that’s not the most unique thing about it.

Catch the eye! (Bold, explosion)

In the competitive world of Japanese anime, only by learning to catch the eye of readers can you have a chance to be noticed in the dazzling array of works!

Take a look at the title of this comic: “Miss Bright Night wants me to confess ~ Love Brains of geniuses ~”, both the title and the subtitle belong to a very long genre, which contains a huge amount of information!

First of all, “Bright Night” is obviously the heroine of the story, and “Big lady” is often accompanied by a feeling of nobility and coolness. That said our heroine is likely to be a formidable ice beauty. .

But the words “Want me to tell you” immediately came to mind!

Why would a girl, or anyone, want someone to confess? Naturally, because have fallen in love with each other, but do not want to take the initiative to confess! These five words depict the image of an ordinary girl who hopes to fall in love!

The contrast between the two images formed together can produce the incomparable effect when they exist alone! Just imagine, if the title is just “Bright night wants me to confess”, or “Bright night Miss”, the eye-catching effect is not immediately halved?

Let’s go back to the subtitle, “Love Brains of Geniuses.” The term “love brain war” is new to most of us, right?

In short, be different! It’s about going off the beaten track!

The body of the comic continues to implement this idea!

Opening the first page, the author only uses a few words to lay the groundwork, and then directly shouts out the core manifesto of the whole work: “Love is war!”

Then open the second page: “The first one who likes the other loses!”

The exaggerated expression technique, the tone of the second, all of a sudden set the tone of the work. Once you’ve seen this, as long as you don’t feel sick, there’s no reason not to keep reading.

This is the author’s grand plan to attract attention. “And then it’s the real hero’s turn. He is…

There is a sense of explosive narration Jun! (Bold, explosion)

Japanese anime is already a huge industry. In the creation environment of increasingly fierce commercial competition, the most direct way to increase the sales of works is to analyze the psychology of readers and cater to their preferences. Let alone a small-time writer, even a well-trained cartoonist must cater to the market in order to make a living. After all, no one wants to get in trouble.

Young people in the 21st century are facing great social pressure, and the huge gap between ideal and reality can easily make people want to escape from reality. And animation as a form of entertainment, it is necessary to try every means to let readers temporarily out of reality, in the second world to find laughter!

Because of this, most of the main characters are the average 17 or 18 year old high school students, and they all start from the first person perspective! This perspective pursues the ultimate sense of inclusion, and strives to “immerse” the reader. So with the development of the story, most of the protagonists have to experience the emotional entanglements with the beautiful girl (male), the so-called guideline plot. At this moment, the reader immersed in the story can feel that he is enjoying the love of (hour) elephant (gong)! Delighted readers will love it enough to pay for it.

But “Bright Night” takes place in a noble school, where the people are either rich kids or study gods, and the two main characters are revered by the other students. From every Angle, the world is so different from the reality we mortals live in that it seems to stand on a cloud for us to look up at!

In other words, the author is deliberately creating a sense of distance, placing the reader in the spectator’s position. It’s as if you’re watching a boxing match. All eyes are on the two men in the ring while the announcer takes the microphone and talks solemnly about the fight. That’s right! The author takes great pains to make these Settings to tell you that this is not a love affair, but a fight to the death (bold, explosive)!

In this way, it is not difficult for us to understand the author’s intention of adding narration. The narrator is the “narrator” of the love brain war; he is responsible for introducing the origin of the two “contestants” to the audience, in-depth analysis of the psychological activities of both sides, explaining every move they use……

What moves? Is Fushun shadow less foot, or Zhan long 18 palm? Is the black tiger heart, or the white crane bright wings?

Unfortunately, neither,Take the lead in the genius heroine, stuffed two movie tickets to the classmate’s bag, and then sit waiting for the leading actor invited her to see…

What seems wrong? The seemingly untouchable daughter and the learning God, the seemingly serious duel scene, but the daily drama” “How can a bunch of kids be so serious when they’re just messing around?” is probably the reaction of most people after reading the first sentence. The duel stage that had been deliberately set up collapsed, and the protagonists fell to the ground, showing their innocent faces as young men and girls. The “love brain war” proclaimed by the title suddenly degenerated into children playing house. The reader who gets the punch line doesn’t feel cheated, but wants to watch the next funny duel. As time goes by, although the reader is not involved in any characters, let alone experience the pleasure of guideline, they are still happy to watch this group of lovely children from the perspective of God. This feeling is like the love of parents for their children, God’s love for human beings. When you see the end of 127 words, you will not have the joy of elders — these two children finally grow up…

Now we see the first two layers of the story, the first layer is the duel plot of Middle School two; the second layer is the daily school life. But behind the playfulness, there are also the real feelings of the main characters, which are the real heart of the story.” “Confess first or lose,” is the main character’s initial belief and the driving force of every duel. But for “Bright Night” to be a complete story, it’s impossible to leave the main character at square one — a challenge that sitcoms must face. “My Own Swordsman” and “The Big Bang Theory” both focus on character changes and several parallel emotional threads, and “Bright Night” is no exception. Hue night from “ice beauty” to “sand beauty”; Stone inferiority gradually improved; Hue night and silver gradually recognize their own heart, get rid of the original creed of bondage.

These are all the highlights of Bright Night I’ve seen. Now for the downsides, After running out of ideas, especially after the fireworks convention, the work morphed into the most common everyday comic, in other words, “nutrient-free.” But the flaws do not outweigh his flaws, and the author does a good job of painting (which I don’t quite understand) and storytelling. Moreover, once the reader has warmed to the daily novel, the demands are not so high, as long as there is a small climax at intervals and a happy ending at the end. Personally, 127 words is a very perfect ending, both sides have broken through their own psychological barrier, complete a metamorphosis. But the author drags them back into an ambiguous situation, which I can’t accept. Of course, the author also has his own thoughts and difficulties, we readers can only silently pray.

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